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Terms  & Conditions

By entering our competition you are agreeing to following Ts & Cs.


The competition is open to residents within Dane End, Haultwick, Green End, Sacombe, Great Munden, Nasty, Levens Green, Whitehill, Rowney Priory. Please note pupils of Little Munden who live outside these areas may display their entry for judging at school.


Only one entry per household (eg Maximum of 1 entry per address)


The most creative entry will win, followed by prizes for 2nd and 3rd most creative. 15 x runners up. The judges decision is final.


You must register online via the PTA Events platform, by the 3rd December and your entry must be displayed by the end of Friday 3rd December (EXTENDED TO MIDDAY 4TH DECEMBER)


Santa must be homemade by stuffing clothes (like a scarecrow) 


Your Santa must be at least 1 metre tall and clearly look like Santa (even if he is not in 'uniform')


You must clearly display your 'order number' next to your Santa (found at the top of your confirmation email)​


Santa must be displayed outside and visible to passers by.


The household must take full responsibility for ensuring Santa is tied securely and positioned safely. The organisers take no responsibility for any damage caused by flying Santa's.


Judging will take place between the 4th December and 8th December 2021. So please ensure he is displayed during this time. (And throughout December if possible!)


Entrants under 18 must provide a name of a responsible adult at the time of registration


The prize will be handed to the designated responsible adult if the entrant is under 18


All entrants give permission for their name to be shared if they win (inclusive of, but not limited to, social media, parish newsletter and school newsletter). Permission is asked at time of registration.


The judges decision will be be absolute and final.


If any winner is unable to claim the prize for any reason or if they have been deemed un-contactable after reasonable efforts made, the organisers reserve the right to choose an alternative winner (without notice to the first winner). In this case the first winner will not be eligible for any share of the prize whatsoever.


The winners will be contacted before the 18th December using the contact number provided at registration.



Other information

If you have any questions, please contact​


The prizes have been kindly sponsored by local residents


All entry fees will go to the Friends of Little Munden (registered charity no 1055690) in support of Little Munden Primary School and the children's education.


The following people will be exempt from entering their Santas into the competition due to their close involvement with the competition:

  • Friends or family of the judges 

  • The Chair of Friends of Little Munden and household

  • The sponsors of the prizes

  • ​Anyone outside of the Parish of Little Munden*


*This rule does not apply to pupils of Little Munden school who do not live in the Parish. They may either join forces with someone in the parish or display their entry at school.)


Judges names:

  • Phil Moss

  • Mark Elliott

  • Mel Cross

  • Tanya Hanekom

(We have take special care to ensure our judges do not have any close affiliation with anyone who is able to enter this competition and can therefore provide fair judgement.)



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